Contributors is a collaborative network of Northeast Kingdom writers and bloggers, writing about their lives, experiences, perspectives, family resources and kid-friendly activities in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.  NEK Moms is the Northeast Kingdom’s Official Who, What, When and Where for NEK Moms (and Dads)!

Like Us on Facebook Here.

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NEK Moms is always looking for talented freelance writers, mommy bloggers and aspiring writers to contribute content at Contributors are asked to commit to contributions of two posts per month on any topic of interest (or events) to Northeast Kingdom parents.  Contributors get a “by-line” and can link to their own blogs or sites.  This is a great opportunity to generate traffic and links to your own site, and join a growing community of bloggers!  If you’re dreaming about breaking into blogging or freelance writing, this is a great opportunity to get exposure!  

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Behind the Scenes:

Julie, Founder of NEK Moms.  With deep Northeast Kingdom roots, Julie, a born and raised Vermonter, left the concrete jungle of the Washington, D.C. suburbs with her family destined for greener pastures. She happily found a green pasture to call her own right here in Vermont’s beautiful Northeast Kingdom. Known for wearing multiple hats, business-technology-social media lawyer, author, blogger, freelance writer, photographer, community volunteer, event organizer, and homeschooling mom, Julie pulls things together behind the scenes at  Though she often misses Starbucks drive-thrus, Costco and a mud-free existence, she is happy wearing her funky garden-rain boots, practically year-round, supporting local businesses and community organizations, spreading the word about family-friendly activities in the NEK, stacking wood, rounding up chickens, and playing on the Kingdom Trails in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom with her family.


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