The NEK’s Weekly Mom Scoop: Week of 10/04/2010
What’s not to love about October? Sure, it’s getting cooler out there and the leaves have hit peak color, but there’s much to look forward to this month–like Ski Swaps, local NEK festivals and Halloween. As for this week in the NEK, here’s the scoop:
Monday, October 4th:
- Mother-Baby Play Time, 10a.m., NVRH – conference room 126
- Story Time, St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 11a.m.
Tuesday, October 5th:
- Baby/Toddler Storytime at Cobleigh Library 10a.m.
- Cabot Public Library, Story Hour, 10:30a.m.
- Kid’s Knitting Class, St. Johnsbury Athenaeum from 1-3 p.m.
- 4th grade+ Origami Group, 3:15pm at Cobleigh Library
Wednesday, October 6th:
- Preschooler Fire Station Visit – Cobleigh Library, 9:45a.m.
Thursday, October 7th:
- Tag sale – Most Holy Trinity Parish Hall, Orleans, 9a.m. -67p.m. More info at 754-2164.
Friday, October 8th:
- Harvest Supper, Free and open to the public, at NVRH – 6-7pm
- Book Sale, Cobleigh Library – 9a.m.-2p.m.
- Teen Open Mic Night, 6pm-10pm- Catamount Arts, Cabaret Rm.
Saturday, October 9th:
- Story Time, Island Pond Library, 10: 30a.m. Call 723-6134 for info.
- Bean & Brew Festival, Jay Peak
- Ride the Rhythms VI Benefit Concert, Burke Mt., 8pm – for ages 18+ (date night!)
- Jay Peak Craft Fair
Sunday, October 10th:
- Death of a Salesman, 7pm. Fuller Hall, Info at Catamount Arts
- Dog Mt. Festival, 12-4pm. St. Johnsbury, All welcome, Free Hotdogs
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For a compilation of NEK Library Story Hours, click here.
Hey, NEK Moms, did we miss a noteworthy event? Let your fellow NEK Moms know!