
Which Homeschool Method Do You Use?

Hmm… if you just took a deep breath and then let out a sigh to think about that one, you’re not alone!  There are many homeschool methods, and many families change their methods over time. Here’s a quick peek at five popular methods.

1.  Classical Education.  Sometimes referred to as “The Trivium” or Well-Trained Mind (WTM) approach.  Three stages of learning distinguish this method, including a first stage of facts-based learning/memorization.  Generally speaking, it’s said that this approach is highly structured and academic.  You can learn more at the WTM forums.

2.  Eclectic.  Some call this approach, a little (or a lot) of this and a little (or a lot) of that. For some homeschooling families, the eclectic approach may be guided by curriculum, student interest, the day’s/week’s events, and current events.

3.  Textbook/Workbook Method.  Some families opt to follow textbooks or workbooks, strictly or loosely depending on child/family or interest in “classroom” style teaching and learning.

4.  Charlotte Mason.  A motto of this method is “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.”  Some view this method as a gentle homeschooling method that doesn’t necessarily require adhering to a rigid schedule, but offers a well-rounded education in part by encouraging exploration.

5.  Unschooling.  This approach is often as unique as the individual child or family, with some homeschooling families adhering to interest-led education and others to minimally guided education that does not emphasize written tests or work product.

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What’s your approach?  Has it changed during your homeschool journey?  If so, how?

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