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Is BPA Found on Receipts a Risk to Mom, Baby and Children?

Not long ago, word got out that many baby bottles and everyday plastics contained bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical which is linked to cancer and reproductive issues.  Manufacturers soon began marketing “BPA Free” plastics.

Now, however, a new study from the Washington Toxics Coalition finds that “more than half of the thermal paper receipts in the U.S. contain large amounts of unbound BPA, and 95 percent of the dollar bills tested positive for lower amounts.”  The BPA risk presents itself as a powdery film on paper receipts, which easy rubs off onto skin in a matter of seconds, even from light handling.

What Can You Do?

This news of widespread exposure to BPA as part of everyday transactions is not only a concern for moms and dads, but it’s also a reason not to let baby or children handle receipts.

Reportedly, BPA-free receipts are found at some stores, like Home Depot and Costco.  Does your favorite store use BPA-free receipts?Take the time to find out.  If they don’t, encourage management to make the switch.

Looks like yet another reason good ol’ fashioned hand washing is more important than ever, too.

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