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NEK Father-Daughter Valentine’s Dances

Yesterday while cleaning, I found an envelope containing father-daughter pictures from last year, which were taken by Jenks in St. Johnsbury at the Good Shepherd Father-Daughter dance.  That discovery reminded me that I really should post something here about Father-Daughter dances taking place this weekend in and around the Northeast Kingdom.  So, here you go.

Good Shepherd Catholic School 12th Annual Father/Daughter Dance
121 Maple Street, St. Johnsbury (751-8223)
Friday, February 10, 2012
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Newport Father-Daughter Dance
Gateway Center, Newport
Friday, February 10th, 7-9pm.
Tickets call 334-3645 ($17 for residents fathers/daughters, $20 nonresidents)
Notes: Formal dress required.

Orleans Father-Daughter Dance
Trinity Parish Hall, Orleans
Saturday, February 11th, 7-9:30pm
Info call: 754-2030 or 525-3734 (tickets – $5/person, max $20 per family)

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