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Vermont Youth Garden Project Presents Summer Farm & Garden Camps for Kids

Farm & Garden Day Camp is back for another year at the Inn at Mountain View Farm in East Burke (Darling Hill Road) for children ages 5-10.  Sponsored by The Vermont Youth Garden Project, the camp is directed by Jessica Simpson and also staffed by Alyssa Doolittle and Amanda Burger.  Two camp sessions take place this Summer (starting weeks of):  July 9th & July 23rd.  The camp is held daily, 9am-1pm.  Tuition is $120/week.

During the camp, children will explore the gardens & historic farm, learn organic gardening fundamentals, harvest snacks from the garden, enjoy songs, stories & games, art, projects, picnics and more.

For more info and registration details, check out the camp brochure here:

Farm & Garden Summer Camp 2012

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