Blog & Buzz,  Giveaways

Giveaway: Zevia Natural Soda – 2 Six-packs

Last year, I decided to give up soda.  The decision wasn’t all that difficult, simply because I didn’t drink much of it to begin with, but I did come to see Pepsi as an instant mood lifter when I was really stressed out. I realized that taking better care of myself and long-term health meant eliminating “empty” calories from soda and shedding the potential health risks that may come with drinking sugary beverages–there’s a lot of scary research about soda and talk in the media.  There’s even talk of banning or imposing taxes on sugary beverages.  I’m also not a fan of artificial sweeteners, like aspartame or splenda, for health and taste reasons, so substituting “zero” or “low-cal” wasn’t on my to-do list.

So, naturally, when I first saw Zevia appear in a natural foods vending machine, I was skeptical about the product.  After hearing some local “organic-type” moms talk about how much they love stevia as a sugar substitute in their beverages (they warned me that not all stevia tastes the same), I thought it was time to give it a try.  I admit, I did do some of my own research about stevia.  Stevia is a plant that has been used around the globe for years.  You can even grow it in your garden.  It’s virtually calorie free.

After trying Zevia’s flavors (my entire family served as guinea pigs), all of the flavors thanks to Zevia’s rainbow pack, I am now totally convinced that if you’re craving carbonated soda, there is simply no reason to drink beverages that are packed with junk when you have this all natural, no calorie, no sugar or artificial sweetener option.  Even my pickiest eaters begged to try another Zevia flavor – usually before breakfast, of course. 😉

Zevia has a ton of flavors:  Lemon Lime Twist, Mountain Zevia, Ginger Ale, Caffeine Free Cola, Cola, Grape, Ginger Root Beer, Dr. Zevia, Black Cherry, Grapfruit Citrus, Orange & Cream Soda.

My family really liked Zevia’s cola, ginger root beer and ginger ale.  I loved, loved, loved Zevia’s grape!  Served super chilled, grape rocks–it’s clear and sweet!  Unlike “mainstream” sodas, Zevia tastes light.  It’s hard to describe, but it feels like it doesn’t weigh you down after drinking a can.  Plus, it’s really nice to know that you’re not ingesting a potential toxic mix.

If you’re looking to give up soda, make a healthy lifestyle switch, or cut calories without giving up sweetness, Zevia is definitely worth trying and keeping in your pantry to satisfy cravings.



WANT TO TRY ZEVIA?  Of course you do!!!  Here’s your chance to win 2 Six-Packs of Zevia.  The winner will score two coupons valid for 2 six-packs in the U.S.A.  Throw these into the picnic cooler this summer and see what your family and friends think!  


a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more information about Zevia products or to read fun Zevia recipe ideas (strawberry margaritas, anyone?), click over to Zevia.

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*Disclosure – a.k.a The fine print:  One winner will be selected via Rafflecopter point accumulation.  Must be 18+ to enter contest.  Open to U.S. residents with valid U.S. mailing address only.  Approximate retail value $14.  The coupons are only valid in the U.S.A.  Void where prohibited by law. Odds of winning depend on numbers of entries received. Contest ends at 12:01 a.m. ET, June 17, 2012. No compensation other than a soda sample pack for flavor tasting was received for this post. All images are courtesy of Zevia.

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