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Radical Unschooling Explained: Dayna Martin Book Signing at Boxcar & Caboose – St. Johnsbury

Whether you’re a die hard homeschooling family, contemplating a change to your homeschool, thinking about homeschooling in the future, or simply interested in exploring the “homeschool” alternative to mainstream education (maybe…your child is already complaining about not wanting to go back to school at the end of the Summer), you won’t want to miss this book signing tomorrow at Boxcar & Caboose in St. Johnsbury, VT.


  • Who/What:  Dayna Martin, Book Signing & Discussion:  Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun
  • When:  Friday, June 22nd, 5:00pm
  • Where:  Boxcar & Caboose, St J
  • Why: Unschooling gains popularity, learn more about it!


Full of brilliant common sense! Mrs. Martin takes us behind the curtain to see in rich detail what alternative education really looks like when it bestows upon its subjects the freedom to choose. Every parent who feels compelled to give their kids into the care of total strangers should read this book.

– John Taylor Gatto, Author of “Dumbing Us Down” and “Weapons of Mass Instruction”


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