• Aimee,  Blog & Buzz,  NEK Moms Contributors

    2012 Flu Season Begins

    If you’ve seen the local news this morning you may have heard that the New Hampshire Health Department has already confirmed its first case of flu. Last year, the flu hit later than usual and was one of the mildest years in history, according to the CDC. Flu clinics are being held throughout the state; locally North Country Hospital began offering its clinic on September 20. You can view the full flu shot clinic schedule HERE. Many pharmacies also offer walk-in flu shot clinics throughout the season. To stay current on the flu in Vermont, bookmark the Vermont Department of Health Flu Surveillance website. Here you can find about the…

  • Aimee,  Blog & Buzz,  Health & Fitness,  NEK Moms Contributors

    Surviving Blood Draws With Baby

    I’ve finally recuperated from our trip to Boston and I feel like I have a minute to write (but only one, as Sweet Pea has recently become a lot more mobile so she requires all hands on deck when she’s not napping!) Recently, I’ve written at Mama’s Recess about some of the lessons I learned in the NICU with my daughter, particularly about strength and patience. While we were at Boston Children’s Hospital for three days of follow up appointments last week, Sweet Pea had to get blood drawn for labwork. This is something that happens frequently enough that I am starting to feel like an expert. This particular draw…

  • Education/Homeschool,  Enrichment Activities,  Homeschooling

    Caledonia County Dabble Day 2011

    If you’re looking to attend an event young children will love, save this date:  Saturday, March 19th.  That’s when the Caledonia / Southern Essex County Dabble Day takes place at the St. Johnsbury School at 10 a.m. – noon. Dabble Day is a FREE fun family-filled day for young children (birth – age 6), sponsored by the Building Bright Futures of Caledonia/Southern Essex along with other local community partners.  The event features arts & crafts, light snacks, face painting, cooking decorating, plus more! For more info contact Ami English at (802)525-4319.

  • Blog & Buzz

    Sophia, Isabella and Aiden Rock 2010’s Most Popular Baby Names

    The end of a year just wouldn’t be complete–or any fun–without a look back at the year’s most popular baby names.  It’s a tradition of course!  If you’re a mom, the list is probably (if only for a split second!) irresistibly tempting to scope out, if only because you want to know if your baby’s name is still popular–or still unique!  And, if you’re expecting, especially over a long, snowy and cold winter, you may find yourself reading and re-reading the most popular baby names list as you search for the one! The Most Popular Baby Names of 2010 According to BabyCenter, here are the top 10 most popular baby…