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Sophia, Isabella and Aiden Rock 2010’s Most Popular Baby Names

The end of a year just wouldn’t be complete–or any fun–without a look back at the year’s most popular baby names.  It’s a tradition of course!  If you’re a mom, the list is probably (if only for a split second!) irresistibly tempting to scope out, if only because you want to know if your baby’s name is still popular–or still unique!  And, if you’re expecting, especially over a long, snowy and cold winter, you may find yourself reading and re-reading the most popular baby names list as you search for the one!

The Most Popular Baby Names of 2010

According to BabyCenter, here are the top 10 most popular baby name picks of 2010.  Drum Roll please….

Girls (in order): Sophia (#1), Isabella, Olivia, Emma, Chloe, Ava, Lily, Madison, Addison, Abigail

Boys (in order): Aiden (#1), Jacob, Jackson, Ethan, Jayden, Noah, Logan, Caden, Lucas, Liam

Is it now time to roll out 2011 predictions?

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