Attachment Parenting

Vermont Health Officials Say ‘Immunize’

If you’re like a lot of Vermont parents, you may have concerns about immunizations.  Not long ago, Dr. Sears’ The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child grabbed major media attention.  In Vermont, according to State Health Officials, there has been a steady decline in early-childhood immunization rates and they’re now trying to re-send a message to parents that shots work and they’re safe.

But for many Vermonters, the ‘Vaccine Decision’ is one that is not made lightly.  In fact, an annual report by the U.S. centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that Vermont’s immunization rate is lower than the national average.  There is a contrast between Vermont and other parts of the Country where parents less frequently question the routine administration of vaccinations.

But to some parents or critics of vaccinations, Officials’ renewed message to vaccinate may not bode well.  Vermont’s past designation as the healthiest state and the report showing Vermonters getting fewer shots than the national average may have State officials nervous about the ability of the State to hang onto its champion title.

Though there may be evidence that immunizations are a ‘sure thing‘ in preventing diseases like polio and HepA and B, there’s still much anxiety and concern among Vermonters, given contradictory research and tales of experience, that they are a “sure and safe thing” for young children and babies.

For more about Vaccines, Alternative Vaccine Schedules and Q&As, check out Dr. Sears’ The Vaccine Book Website.

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