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Laughing Crow Farm Offers ‘Outdoor Nature Classes’ for Children

So excited to announce that this Northeast Kingdom Mom’s dream of launching nature-based educational programs for children is becoming reality! Congratulations, Kristen! If you’re looking for nature immersion experiences for your children or homeschoolers, check out Kristen’s program.

Upcoming Open Houses at Laughing Crow Farm — a chance for children and families to see our ‘outdoor classroom’ and experience a mini nature program here — next Thursday 9/6, 12:30-1:30, for Forest Tots (pre-K & K) and next Friday 9/7, 12:30-2, for Nature Immersion for Homeschoolers (6-12 yr olds). To see a description of our fall programs for pre-K/K, afterschool girls, and homeschoolers, jump on over to the Laughing Crow Programs facebook page or contact Kristen Langlais @ or 467-8593.

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