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Extreme Couponing in Vermont’s NEK

Are you a coupon fanatic NEK Mom or Dad?  Perhaps a TLC Extreme Couponing wannabe?  At NEK Moms, we totally heart deals, coupons and saving money.  We’re looking for coupon savvy parents and aspiring savers to feature here on NEKMoms.com.

If you’re a coupon/money saving pro who lives in Vermont’s NEK and are eager to let other moms (and dads) know that saving money with coupons right here in the Northeast Kingdom is totally doable,  we want to interview you!  Email NEKMoms [*at*] gmail [*dot*] com.  If you’re an aspiring coupon whiz, hoping to score big at the checkout, join the NEK Moms challenge below.

Join the NEK Moms Coupon Challenge!

NEK Moms wants to hear how much you saved at the register during May and June 2011, and feature you on the site.  Email us at NEKMoms [*at*] gmail [*dot*] com with your name, store (must be in the NEK or online), how you did it (coupons, rebates, etc.) and pic (optional).  Please note: by emailing submissions you are giving permission to be mentioned or featured at NEKMoms.com.

Coupon Deal to Get you Started

Through 5/14, Silk Soy Chocolate Milk is on sale for $2.99 at Price Chopper (St. Johnsbury).  If you go to Silk’s website, you can get your hands on a $.75 coupon.  Price Chopper will double the coupon, per policy, up to $1.00.  That means, you’ll save $1.50.   That Silk Soy Chocolate Milk will cost you just….$1.49!!!

Are you a ‘Coupon Virgin’?

If you’re brand smackin’ new to couponing, you’re in luck.  There are a gazillion amazing blogs that are dedicated exclusively to deals and extreme couponing.  Some even feature guides for newbies, like this one, and there are also lots of YouTube videos, like this one,  that can help you get started.

Inspire Others!

Brag about your coupon success here at NEK Moms.  Email us with the outcomes of your best shopping trips!!!!  Inspire other moms around the NEK to start using coupons and save big!


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