Blog & Buzz,  Health & Fitness

Kingdom Moms and Dads Get Fit with St. Johnsbury Rec’s Joe Fox

St. Johnsbury Recreation’s Joe Fox is leading up affordable fitness classes for NEKers.  Ditch your old ideas or stereotypes of fitness classes, Joe will “help you reconnect with or perhaps be introduced to the strong, powerful, and confident person residing within you” with two early morning (No Excuses!) class offerings, Awaken the Senses and Morning Mayhem.  Joe’s fitness enthusiasm is sure to get you motivated!  Get fit for the holidays, work to burn off those post-pregnancy pounds, and meet new friends!


Here’s the info:

Awaken the Senses.  10/18/2011- 12/15/2011.  6:05 -7:00 a.m.  St. Johnsbury Academy, Field House, Court 1.  $7.00

Morning Mayhem. 10/18/2011 – 12/15/2011.  5:00-6:00 a.m.  St. Johnsbury Academy, Field House, Court 1.  $7.oo

More info at: St. J Rec.

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