Blog & Buzz,  NEK Moms Scoop on Local Activities & Events,  Volunteer Opportunities

Lyndon Volunteer Opportunities

If you’re interested in Lyndon area volunteer opportunities, there’s a new local resource to check out.  A local web page lists Lyndon area volunteer opportunities, including Town Board positions and other opportunities in Lyndon.  Current volunteer opportunities include: Planning Commission openings, Representative to Northeastern Vermont Development Association, Police Advisory Board Member, Lyndon Outing Club, Darling Inn and more.   For more information, check out the web page or contact 626-5834.

Why Volunteer?  

  • Give Back to & Improve Your Community
  • Community Pride
  • Meet Interesting People, with Diverse Views & Experience
  • Personal Reward of Giving & Helping Others – Making A Difference
  • Community & Parent Role Modeling / Leadership
  • Networking & Career Prospects


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