Blog & Buzz

Thank you to the Woman at the Mobil Gas Station for Your Random Act of Kindness

Ever wish you could thank a stranger for her random act of kindness–for a little thing that made a big or not so big difference in your day?

Well, here’s my sincere thanks to the woman who bolted across the gas station parking lot today to hold before me a package of wet wipes (opened and primed for a quick pull, too), after she obviously witnessed my preschooler yak/vomit/barf/puke/throw-up (trust me, it was all of those) a zillion times unexpectedly in the parking lot.  Judging by her quick, mom-like, superwoman reflexes, I speculate that she’s a mom herself. Though, who knows, maybe she’s just a stranger with a kind heart who happened to be in the right place, at the right time.  Maybe she could read my mind in that moment, as I frantically weighed whether I should make a mad-dash for the store restroom with my little projectile fountain in hand or sprint back to the car in search of discarded napkins tucked under the seats?

Kids always have impeccable timing on such matters, not to mention impeccable venue selection!  Did I mention that I was wearing my favorite flip flops?  What was supposed to be a quick gas fill-up and potty pit-stop on the way to see my child’s pediatrician (for a reason unrelated to undigested food and stomach acid) ended in mommy clean-up duty.  Thanks to the woman parked at the pump on the other side of the lot, my preschooler and I were able to get to the doctor on time–and as an important bonus, smelling relatively fresh, too.

My preschooler felt so much better because of you Ms. Random Act of Kindness in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.  Your gesture was a special reminder that goodness exists.  I’m pretty sure I mumbled a quick thank you in the midst of this unexpected public performance, but here’s another thank you, just in case.  Thank you so much for making a difference in my life today.

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